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Standard pension plan

A real all-rounder and star performer: flexible with a free choice of modules.

The Standard plan consists of 12 different modules which can be combined in any number of ways. The modules are based on either performance or financing models. The covered benefits depend on the insured salary. Moreover, all pension plans are structured as saving or risk systems.

Risk system:
  • Spousal / partner pension at 60% of the insured disability pension
  • Children’s pension at 20% of the insured disability pension
  • Death benefit

INVOR Cordination
Coordination sum model:
  • Covered benefits: dependent on insured salary
  • Insured salary: annual salary minus coordination sum

Savings system:
  • Age-dependent retirement credits serve to accrue retirement assets
  • Old age pension or capital sum to be used as retirement benefits

INVOR Employer contribution
Financing model:
  • Arbitrary financing
  • Employer provides at least the same level of contributions as sum of all employee contributions